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Antony Thow takes home January Monthly Medal - Report here

2024/25 Warwick Tyers Competition Quarter Finals in progress - results here

Back Paddock Team Challenge - Alan Gaskell and Malcolm McMahon team up to take the lead - Rules and results can be found here

The George Burgess Trophy Event will be held on the Front Nine of the West Course on Wednesday 12 March. Play is by invitation only, but everyone is invited to watch and join in the barbecue. - more information to follow.

Good Neighbours ~ Good Friends


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The Neighbourhood Players Group was formed by the Royal Melbourne Golf Club to promote good relations with the local community and to enhance security on the course particularly with respect to remote locations on the course.

The number of members of the Group is limited by the Club. Competent golfers who live adjacent to or near the boundaries of the courses are invited to enquire about the privileges and responsibilities of membership by calling the Secretary of the Group at 0423 003 246


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